Aamir Khan's daughter Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare have tied the knot. Both of them had a court marriage. Ayra and Nupur's wedding pictures are going viral on social media. Aamir Khan was also seen at daughter Ayra's wedding in a very funny style. He also danced with everyone. Aamir's dance video is going viral on social media. Meanwhile, another video of Aamir kissing his ex-wife Kiran Rao has surfaced. The actor is trolled after seeing Kiran and Aamir's video.
At Ayra and Nupur's wedding, the entire Khan family was seen together. Besides Aamir Khan, his two ex-wives Kiran Rao and Reena Dutta also looked very happy. When Aamir came to get photos taken with the entire family, he kissed Kiran. This kiss video of Aamir is going viral.
This video of Aamir is going viral on social media. People comment differently. One user wrote: “This man kisses the other ex-wife in front of his ex-wife, wow what a thing.” While another wrote: “Your world is different, it will not come under our control.” One wrote: “If there was so much love, why did the divorce happen?”
Ayra Khan and Nupur Shikhare got married in a court in Mumbai on January 3. Now this couple will soon be leaving for a wedding in Udaipur. According to reports, Ayra and Nupur will get married on January 8 as per Maharashtrian customs. The wedding will be attended by family and some special friends. According to reports, a reception for Bollywood celebrities will be organized in Mumbai afterwards.