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A gynecologist has been accused of “transphobia” after refusing to treat a transgender woman

A gynecologist has been accused of “transphobia” after refusing to treat a transgender woman

In an episode that sparked a heated debate about inclusion and gender equality in the medical field, Dr. Victor Acharian, a gynecologist in Pau, southern France, was accused of “transphobia” after refusing to treat a trans woman and her partner.

The controversy began when a woman in transition made an appointment online with Dr. Acharian arranged for a gynecological consultation. However, when they showed up at the clinic with their partner, they encountered a cold and discouraging reaction from the doctor and his secretary.

In a Google review, the patient wrote: “It was my trans partner’s first date, he refused to accept it and his secretary gave us a cold goodbye. Never.”. This experience highlighted that the couple felt discriminated against and excluded at a time when they were seeking medical care and support.

The answer from Dr. It didn’t take long for Acharian to arrive. In his comment he stated: “I have no skills to take care of men, even if they have shaved their beards and tell my secretary that they have become women. My gynecological examination table is not suitable for examining men. They have very knowledgeable, specialized services that can take care of you from men like you. Thank you for telling TRANS people never to come to my office.

These statements sparked outrage and reaction across France. The SOS Homophobia association did not wait long and announced that it would file a complaint against the gynecologist for “transphobic and discriminatory statements”.. The controversy has sparked a debate about the need for greater awareness and sensitivity among health professionals toward transgender people.

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