A gigantic tire dump transformed into a city in Kuwait?

Kuwait wants to create a new city on the site of a former landfill that contained millions of used tires. The two million square meter venue is located 35 km west of Kuwait City. Before it was completely emptied this year, the landfill had more than 40 million tires, and was described by authorities as the world’s largest “tire graveyard”.

But after 17 years of existence and three major fires between 2012 and 2020, the authorities have decided to close the site.

More than 44,000 trips to remove tires

“We are coming out of a difficult phase which was characterized by a great environmental risk,” Oil Minister Mohammed Al-Fares said on Sunday, speaking at the site of the former landfill. “Today the site is clean. All the tires have been removed so that the Saad Al-Abdallah city project can be launched, ”he continued, referring to the name of a former emir of this Gulf country.

In recent months, trucks carrying the tires have made more than 44,000 trips from the landfill to the western Al-Salmi area, near an industrial area where the tires will be temporarily stored. They will then be cut or processed for the local market or for export. According to Sheikh Abdallah Al-Sabah, director general of the Public Environment Authority, a mechanism is already in place to recycle all tires and prevent the creation of another landfill. “There is already a factory that processes them, and we hope to find other manufacturers who will help put an end to the tire problem,” he said.

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