Covid-19: Number of people in intensive care, number of deaths in hospital, affected regions … The coronavirus in figures and in map

Update on the coronavirus in figures. How many people in intensive care are there in France every day? How many hospital deaths since the start of the epidemic? Which regions are most affected?

Answers with figures provided by Public health France.

Number of people in intensive care per day

As of Tuesday, September 7, 2021, France has 2,259 people in critical care for Covid-19.

Observing the curve shows that this number peaked on April 8, 2020. On that day, 7,019 people were in “critical care”. This indicator then experienced a continuous decrease, before stagnating at the end of July, then increasing again at the beginning of September.

From October 11, 2020, the increase was exponential, reaching a new peak on November 16 (4,903 people in intensive care). The curve then started to fall again for a month, before stagnating.

It rose again from mid-January 2021. The peak of the second wave was exceeded on March 29. The highest point of this new wave was reached on April 26 (6,001 people in critical care).

This indicator then fell until the end of July, before rising since then to appear to be settling again.

Deaths in hospital

Please note, the data presented here only takes into account deaths linked to Covid-19 that took place in hospital. The victims in medico-social establishments, including nursing homes, and those who died at home are to be added to this sad toll.

Note that the sudden increase of September 18, 2020 was caused by the files that had not been transmitted by a hospital in Essonne, and which came to increase the figures according to Public Health France.

By studying the mortality data by sex, we can see that men are much more affected by the coronavirus than women.


By taking the figures for the number of deaths and adding the distribution by region, we can see an inequality between the territories.

Ile-de-France (21,046 dead) is by far the most affected, ahead of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region (11,976) and the Grand Est (10,356).

Note the following distribution in the Overseas: Mayotte deplores 132 deaths, Guyana 217, Martinique 527, Réunion 359 and Guadeloupe 707.


This Tuesday, September 7, 736 people returned home cured of the coronavirus, or at least considered out of danger, after being taken care of in hospital. In total, 412,039 people treated for Covid-19 have left the hospital since the start of the epidemic.

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