Afghanistan: Donald Trump calls for Joe Biden’s resignation

Under fire after the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, Joe Biden saw his predecessor attack him on Sunday. In a statement, Donald Trump asked the president of the United States to resign.

The former White House tenant, defeated by Joe Biden last November, blames his successor for the Taliban’s victory in Afghanistan, due to the continued withdrawal of US troops from the country. “It is time for the discredited Joe Biden to step down for allowing what happened in Afghanistan,” Donald Trump wrote in a statement.

However, the decision to withdraw US soldiers stationed in Afghanistan since 2001 had been recorded by Donald Trump himself in February 2020, following an agreement with the Taliban. A withdrawal confirmed by Joe Biden, but delayed until August 31.

“What Joe Biden has done with Afghanistan is legendary. This will continue to be one of the greatest defeats in the history of the United States, “he had criticized Donald Trump in a previous press release.

The former Republican leader also cites, in a jumble, other grievances against Joe Biden, which justify his departure: “the rapid rise of Covid, the disaster at the border, the suppression of our energy independence and the paralysis of our economy.”

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And the former business mogul to reiterate his conspiracy theory that Joe Biden was fraudulently elected and “stole” the election. “It should be easy since he wasn’t legitimately chosen at first,” he joked.

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