Mia Rusthen: Safely Out of Danger

Hopeful news about Mia Rusthen’s health status, the pilot injured in the first race of the Women’s World Speed Championship, the WorldWCR, at the Misano circuit. Mia suffered a fall at the start of the test, and the competition was immediately stopped.

She was taken to the Bufalini hospital in Césena by ambulance and later transferred to the trauma team. The doctors initially diagnosed her condition as “serious” and induced a coma.

Tests revealed various traumas, with the most serious being a head trauma. The doctors tried to reduce the pressure in the area.

Mia’s family has updated her fans through her social media accounts. They thanked the messages of encouragement received since Saturday, saying it was “very warm and comforting” and that they were overwhelmed by the outpouring of support from around the world.

Mia remains in a coma at the Maurizio Bufalini Hospital in Italy, under the care of the hospital’s trauma team. Her loved ones are with her, and the doctors report that she is out of danger and stable, with good vital signs.

The family is working on a plan to transfer her to a hospital in Norway as soon as she is stable enough to return home. They have not yet revealed the extent of her injuries, but they hope her good physical condition and determination will help her recover.

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