James Deane Takes Home Win at Drift Masters Ireland

The second round of the Drift Masters competition has come to a close, and it was an eventful day to say the least. The competition was held in Ireland, the home country of last year’s champion, Connor Shanahan, who unfortunately didn’t have the performance he was hoping for.

James Deane, considered one of the best drift drivers in history, pulled off a stunning upset by sneaking into the grand final. He was up against another Irish driver, Duane McKeever, and both drivers gave it their all. In the end, James Deane emerged victorious, winning both the classification and the battles.

The final was a thrilling affair, with James Deane executing a perfect run and his rival unable to keep up. The next stop for the Drift Masters competition will be at the Huvivaltio PowerPark in Finland, and fans will have to wait until August 2nd to see what’s in store.

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