What doctors don’t tell you and what you should know

We are conditioned by thousands of advertisements every day to equate illnesses with their symptoms. Headaches, back pain, bronchitis, eczema, arthritis, allergies, ringing in the ears, asthma, high blood pressure, again and again – these are usually not illnesses in themselves, but rather signs of illness. The illusion is that we have temporarily cured the disease by covering up the signs.

What are Allergies?

Your friend sees your bloodshot eyes, hears your stuffy voice, and accepts the explanation, “It’s my allergy,” as if the symptoms he or she sees were the same illness. This pun is no coincidence. We are conditioned by thousands of advertisements every day to equate illnesses with their symptoms. Headaches, back pain, bronchitis, eczema, arthritis, ringing in the ears, asthma, high blood pressure, again and again – these are usually not illnesses in themselves, but rather signs of illness. The illusion is that we have temporarily cured the disease by covering up the signs. The illusion is that by naming the signs the disease has been identified.

Nothing could be further from the truth

You have headache. Solution, on TV every five minutes: Tylenol, Advil, whatever, what will it do? That’s right: eliminate pain. But wait – pain wasn’t the cause of the problem. The headaches had a reason, they were a sign of something else. Neck spasms, poisoning, emotional stress, sinus allergies, trauma, poor posture, medications, chemical sensitivity, overwork, dehydration, hunger – pain can have many causes. The pill doesn’t solve anything, it doesn’t cure anything. Once it’s issued, guess what? That’s right – the pain returns. So what are we being taught? More pills.

The same applies to allergies. Allergies are not watery eyes and a stuffy nose. Allergies are reactions to irritating substances. Something strange triggers the body’s cleansing reactions. It’s like running behind a smoke-filled bus as it pulls away. You inhale the smoke, start coughing and feel like you’re suffocating, your eyes filling with tears. This is an allergic reaction. People react allergically to bus exhaust fumes. Watery eyes for clean eyes. Coughing is the forceful expulsion of toxic gases before inhalation. It happens in an instant.

Tolerance is an adaptation to stress. When we become accustomed to an irritant, the body eventually stops trying to eliminate it.

Just like a bus mechanic. After a few weeks or months of inhaling everyday fumes, the body no longer works as hard. The sensitive mucous membranes of the mouth and nose harden a little and the mechanic learns to “deal with it”. He becomes less sensitive to a poison – carbon monoxide. That doesn’t mean it won’t kill you, it just means the body gets used to the level of poisoning. The irritant no longer causes as strong a reaction as the previous cleaning.

The same thing happens to someone who learns to smoke cigarettes. He coughs and gags at first, but soon gets over it. The body’s ability to eliminate toxins became weaker.

Cold medicine

We’ve all heard of antihistamines. Pills and sprays that clear stuffy noses. They work by blocking histamines. Histamines are produced by our white blood cells to activate protective mechanisms such as nasal congestion, watery eyes and digestive disorders. An allergy medication is usually an antihistamine, which strangely interferes with the body’s normal attempts to protect itself. Mouth, nose and eyes – they are the first line of defense.

When antihistamines block these normal responses, the irritant, allergen, or antigen can enter the body more than it could ever have reached. This is a side effect of antihistamines. You can be grateful that you can breathe again. The problem wasn’t the stuffy nose or the watery eyes, but the allergen: the irritant. Antihistamines do not address the underlying cause; they simply inhibit the body’s ability to respond with its normal compensatory mechanisms. Result: tolerance. Toxicity.

Isn’t that obvious? Holistic doctors get tired of explaining this self-evident fact to their patients a dozen times a day. It’s like you’re driving down the road and suddenly you hear a terrible noise coming from the engine. So you turn up the volume on the radio to drown out the noise. Pretty stupid, but that’s exactly what we do with allergy medication.

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The focus of allergy treatment should be on eliminating the underlying stimuli of sinus congestion and watery nose and eyes. First, identify the causative factor. Cat hair, dust, pollen, shellfish, wool, etc.? I do not believe it. Normal people can be around her and not react. Genetics? The usual excuse when the “experts” run out of ideas. We have no idea, so let’s compare it to the standard issue of all categories: genetics.

Until we know, the best we can do is continue to buy and sell antihistamines and their derivatives. Why would anyone question that since it’s a $15 billion annual industry? Doctors sell medicine, that’s why we go to them. If you want health, that’s a completely different issue.

There’s another option here that thousands of people have discovered in recent years. A new paradigm must be considered to explain the consistent success that detox patients have in resolving their chronic allergies. This construction can be called the reactivity threshold. It’s really quite simple.


Have you ever been to a grocery store and noticed all those little ones running through the aisles screaming, “Mommy, buy me this, Mommy, I want that,” while pointing at all the fancy, fattening foods they see advertised in the supermarket learned to need store? TV? And then you see that all the same items appear in the box?

Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant and noticed the little paper cups full of Coca-Cola that they give to babies?

American children are becoming fatter, sicker and dumber than ever before in our history. Not only is this a provocative statement, but it is easily documented in all relevant government and scientific statistics on allergies, obesity and neurological development.

This is the core idea of ​​this chapter: Refined processed foods cannot be digested. When a child is born, his gastrointestinal tract and blood are clean and clear. When you start eating all this junk that can’t be metabolized, residue builds up in your digestive tract and blood. Let’s call this toxic charge buildup.

Okay, let’s say there is a threshold, a level of toxicity, below which the child will not react to junk food – no asthma, watery eyes, runny nose, rashes, etc., but over time the toxic load builds up to the point, that one day it crosses the line, crosses the threshold and now the child reacts – any kind of allergic reaction can occur.

By this point, the patient has developed such an accumulated toxic food load that it exceeds the body’s ability to handle it – break it down and process it. We say that you have reached the threshold of responsiveness – and that, in a health sense, it is the end of childhood.

Result: asthma, allergies, skin diseases, cough, bronchitis, chronic fatigue, lack of development, etc. What do most people do at this time? Take the child to the doctor and consult one of the 15 year olds who was staying there that week and after a five minute interview explains that the child has an “allergy” due to a genetic deficiency to Benadryl. or other medications.

And all of a sudden the patient is now classified as allergic and receives a course of medication that lasts for years. Not a word about the box of cereal and the 4 donuts or flour donuts the child eats for breakfast, or the 4 Cokes he drinks during the day at school, or the ice cream he needs for his midnight snack.

None of this is factored into the equation. No, according to doctors it is all “genetic”. “It’s not your fault”.

Do you know anyone who takes allergy medication? Do you still have allergies? Everything without exception.

Retrieved from: www.thedoctorwithin.com

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