3 spices that will make your skin glow

There are very popular spices in the kitchen that keep the skin glowing and are linked to the production of natural collagen, have antioxidant properties and have many other benefits.

We know that the skin is the largest and most vulnerable organ in our body. Therefore, depending on how we care for them, the damage may become more apparent. The good thing is that we can keep it healthy thanks to the foods we eat and the protective measures we take.

When it comes to skin, the most important thing to remember is that as we age, the body loses the ability to produce collagen, which is responsible for skin elasticity and strength.

Collagen is a protein secreted by connective tissue cells called fibroblasts. These make up about 30% of the body’s total protein mass and 80% of all connective tissue and from the age of 25, the human body reduces its natural production, which becomes noticeable from the age of 35.

When collagen decreases, epithelial structures become weaker, skin becomes thinner, hair is less strong, and wrinkles and sagging occur.

To slow down this process, natural measures such as consuming spices can be taken. Spices like turmeric, ginger and saffron have excellent collagen-related properties for healthy and glowing skin.

Spices for skin care


Among the foods recommended to provide our skin with collagen is a spice used in traditional medicine since ancient Greece. This is saffron, which is often used to improve memory, stimulate sexual desire and improve mood.

Over the years, many properties of saffron have been discovered, including its anti-inflammatory effects, appetite regulation, antioxidant contribution and its ability to promote collagen production.

On this last point we can highlight that saffron helps maintain healthy and radiant skin and also has a strong wrinkle-reducing effect.

He Journal of Medical Science Research, affiliated with the Medical University of Esfahan (Iran), published a study that confirms all of these properties and highlights their importance in lowering blood sugar levels. Useful for people with diabetes.

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The study focused on the use of saffron extract capsules, but we are dealing with a spice for daily use that we can include in our diet during meals and thus its beneficial effects on our skin, stimulating collagen production and discover general health. Generally.


Turmeric is a popular spice that has been used in traditional Indian medicine for centuries. It contains an active ingredient called curcumin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help fight cellular aging.

It is able to fight acne, blackheads and sunspots. Turmeric’s cleansing, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can lead to glowing. Increasing your intake of turmeric as part of your self-care routine can also promote microcirculation in the skin, leaving your complexion feeling stronger and smoother.

Curcumin has been shown to stimulate collagen production and reduce its breakdown. It also blocks elastase, an enzyme that attacks the skin’s ability to produce elastin.


Ginger, together with other spices, has the advantage of preventing the formation of wrinkles due to the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of the ascorbic acid (vitamin C) it contains. In addition, it has the ability to increase collagen production in the skin layers, thus providing the necessary hydration for this process.

Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds are necessary to eliminate toxins trapped in the skin that oxidize cells and tissues (as an aging process). It can be said that it neutralizes extremely harmful environmental influences.

It is also a great natural acne remedy because the antioxidants and anti-inflammatories (such as vitamin C) it contains have the ability to reduce excessive sebum production.

Here’s how to use these spices

These spices can be incorporated into your daily diet in their traditional use as seasonings. Due to their medicinal properties, they are also available as dietary supplements.

There are natural cosmetic lines that include these spices in their recipes, or you can resort to homemade cosmetics and make your own masks.

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