This is what happens to your dog when you don’t take him for a walk

The relationship between humans and dogs is a special bond that requires care and some effort. One of the most important aspects of maintaining your dog’s health and well-being is providing adequate opportunities for exercise and socialization. In this sense, walking a dog plays a fundamental role in his life.

Consequences of not walking your dog

The lack of daily walks can have a number of negative consequences, affecting both the physical health and behavior of these animals.

From health issues to behavioral issues, it is extremely important to understand how lack of exercise can affect your dog’s life and how these effects can be avoided through dedicated and responsible care.

In this study, we will look at the different consequences of not walking your dog and how these affect the overall quality of life. Not walking your dog can have many negative consequences on his physical and mental health. Some consequences can be:

Physical health problems

Dogs need regular exercise to stay in shape. Lack of exercise can lead to overweight and obesity, which in turn can cause health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and joint problems.

Destructive behavior

Lack of activity and stimulation can cause dogs to become bored and engage in destructive behaviors, such as: E.g. chewing furniture, shoes or other household items.


Dogs that don’t get enough exercise can accumulate a lot of pent-up energy, leading to hyperactivity or uncontrolled behavior around the house.

Socialization problem

Walking gives dogs the opportunity to interact with other dogs and people, which is important for socialization and developing their social skills. Lack of contact can lead to behavioral problems in social situations.

Stress and anxiety

Dogs are active animals that need to explore their environment and satisfy their natural instincts. Otherwise, your dog could become stressed and anxious.

Problems with control and obedience

Walking is an important time for training and learning basic commands. Without regular practice, your dog may forget instructions or have difficulty following them.

Evacuation problem

Dogs need regular opportunities to relieve themselves outside the home. Failure to exercise can lead to problems with inadequate excrement removal at home.

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Happiness is decreasing

Dogs are sociable animals that love exploring the outside world. Depriving them of this experience can leave them feeling unhappy and bored.

How many times a day should you walk your dog?

Now that you know why it is so important to walk your dog, you need to know what his ideal walking schedule and daily frequency are.

First of all, it must be noted that every animal is unique and therefore there is no uniform daily routine for all dogs, but each dog has different needs depending on factors such as breed, age or physical condition.

Features you need to know

However, regardless of the dog’s characteristics, all dogs should go outside 2 to 3 times a day, depending on the length of the walk.

The recommended walking time should be 20 to 30 minutes depending on how many times we do it a day. If your dog only goes for one walk per day, it should last at least an hour.

In addition to going for walks, your dog also goes outside regularly to do his business, and one walk obviously won’t be enough. If he doesn’t go out for a long time, he may hold back, which is not good for his health and he will end up having to relieve himself at home.

As previously mentioned, if you are thinking about adopting a dog and want to know which dog will best suit your lifestyle, it is important to know the individual needs of your dog or future dog.

That is, if it is a fairly active breed, we cannot limit it to taking it for a walk once a day. Likewise, a small dog will need to go out more often than a larger dog because they have more energy and socialization, stimulation and training will be key to developing a trustworthy and stable personality in the future.

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