Apple: these will be the color options for the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro

The next generation of iOS phones, the Apple iPhone 15It will be officially presented by the Cupertino giant in September 2023. However, leaks and rumors continue to reveal details and possible features of these phones.

Now, we are revealing the possible color combinations, or rather the color schemes that will be available for the iPhones 15 and 15 Pro. It seems that the next generation of Apple smartphones will hit the market with very captivating combinations.

The iPhone 15 range of smartphones arrives in September 2023

Apple iPhone 15

Looking back, in recent years we have seen Apple always offering a special color. Indeed, from the iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max in midnight green, or the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max in Pacific blue. More recently, we’ve had alpine green on the iPhone 13 range, and the latest iPhone 14 (on Pro models) offers dark purple.

However, as we approach September 2023, we are now aware of the information first presented by the publication. 9to5Mac who will have obtained an exclusive. In fact, we already know the possible “star” color of the iPhone 15 range that will be presented in September.

Thus, sources who prefer to remain anonymous indicate that for the new range we will have an intense red. that is, one crimson or highly saturated dark red with great depth of color. That being said, it will be a red iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max that will assert themselves in the hands of consumers.

Crimson red (crimson) will be the accent color for the iPhone 15 Pro

Apple iPhone 15

It is important to note that this red is considerably darker than the current shade of red that has been used in (PRODUCT) RED for several years and has already been made available by Apple. By the way, this red is expected to be more mysterious, much like the current special shade of dark purple.

In addition to the new shade of red, we will also have the standard colors. That is to say, from white, to gold and light, to exterior gray as a more discreet tone. In addition, we will also have the usual colors for the base models, the Apple iPhone 15.

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Below we can see some of the possible colors that will also arrive for the most affordable models, the iPhone 15. It should be noted, however, that until the official presentation of the products, we cannot be sure of their veracity.

Colorful September for Apple’s new iOS smartphones

Apple iPhone 15

Now it is important to wait a little longer until the official presentation of the new Apple mobile phones, with the certainty, however, that by then there will be more information leaks. We will also have room for new rumors and, perhaps, confirmation of some previous details.

In any case, in my opinion, this shade of red for the iPhone 15 Pro seems likely given the brand’s history and previous standout colors for this range of products.

Two months to go until the launch of the iPhone 15!

— Apple Hub (@theapplehub) July 3, 2023

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