The gold bath for the Dominican Republic continues: Yvonne Losos gets double gold in equestrian

The Dominican Yvonne Losos held the lead for three days and won two gold medals in the equestrian dressage modality of the Central American and Caribbean Games in San Salvador and Santo Domingo.

The Caribbean Amazon prevailed individually and in general mounted on the Idwivaretto horse. Losos won two golds and one silver in the previous version of the Games, in Barranquilla, Colombia, in 2018.

Individually, the silver medal went to the Colombian Juliana Gutiérrez Aguilera, who rode Planissimo, while the bronze medal went to Roberta Foster, from Barbados, on the Chichic horse.

In the general score, Losos also took the gold, again beating Gutiérrez. The bronze went to the Mexican rider Carlos Maldonado.

The equestrian competition stops this Saturday, but returns on Sunday with the jumping modality.

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