Jungle of agents and leaks about Gabri Veiga

Gabri Veiga is taking a crash course on all the media noise soccer generates. It must be difficult to manage a situation of this type at 20 years old, reading and listening to different news every day about his future. The midfielder is a little fish that swims among sharks. Because everything came together for the man from Porriño, his impressive appearance in the League and the end of the contract with his representation agency. This situation has caused all the agents to take out their nets to fish one of the summer operations. Between the transfer and the salary, the figures will be around 100 million euros, which means a commission of about six or seven million of euros.

The big clubs in Europe receive numerous calls from various agents stating that they have the representation of Veiga in order to capture an offer. But At the moment the Porriñés has no representative. And the option of not signing with anyone is on the table, because as the days go by, trust in the agents’ union is less and less. The family met with a few this week, but they don’t rule out continuing on alone.

Added to the interested leaks from the agents is the incomprehensible participation of Celta in this game. From the club they filter offers, salaries, club interest or player preferences. It is a difficult attitude to understand, especially in the case of a home footballer. Mouriño put him in the window with his statements and the club continues to work in the shadows so that the auction does not stop.

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