Lionel Scaloni: "The World Cup is over"

lionel scaloni He gave his first press conference as world champion coach in Argentina. And at the Ezeiza AFA complex he addressed various topics of interest, two days before the friendly against a team from the Panamanian league that will celebrate the historic consecration in Qatar.

I like to see that the Argentine National Team belongs to everyone, that they come with this joy and enthusiasm, as if it were the first time. I like that the fans see that the players are one more of them, the National Team belongs to everyone”, said Scaloni, who added about the reunion with the squad: “I thanked them again for having won the title; they are days of celebrations, but this continues. Now they are going to cost us more than ever because they are going to want to win much more. We need a much greater energy from everyone, because everything will be more difficult“said the coach.

Scaloni also made it clear that “the message was that a new process begins and, wrong or not, we will make the best possible decision. The world champions do not run with an advantage, not at all; there are guys who are growing up, playing at a good level, it depends on what happens on the pitch,” he said.

In another section of the meeting with the press, Scaloni said: “The World Cup for me is over; Although we are in our country and it is difficult to detach from that, but it is over. As a coach I have a new goal, which is for the players to continue at this level. It is not that you came out world champion and life ended. No, life goes on”. Then he pointed out: “You can win or lose, but you have to show people and rivals that we are a very tough team to beat”.

“We trust that Garnacho can be in the next call-up, he is a boy in whom we have high hopes,” said Scaloni regarding the absence due to injury of the Manchester United youth. And he also regretted that of Alejandro Gómez: “‘Papu’ deserved to be there. It is understandable that they do not let him come, but we will do everything possible so that he can be with us for a day or two,” said the Argentine coach, who assured that he will face Thursday’s friendly with the greatest possible responsibility.

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“The game is faced in the same way that we all face it. The Argentine shirt does not allow you not to give your best. The celebration and all that is good, but we on the pitch have to do our job,” replied Scaloni. And asked about the continuity of Lionel Messi and the chances that he can reach the World Cup in 2026, he said: “Leo is fine, he’s here to play, to keep coming back and until he says otherwise, we’ll keep going. He is happy in the National Team and he is very good at that. When he changes his position, I’ll try to convince him.”

The coach lowered the decibels about the controversy that Rodrigo De Paul opened regarding the fact that the world champion team in Qatar was the best in the history of Argentine football: “The De Paul thing was a simple comment, I think it is nonsense to discuss which is the best National Team in history. We are used to debating things that don’t make sense. If you ask me, I’ll take all three,” said Scaloni, who also made reference to the recent The Best award he won in Paris as the best coach of 2022: “When you win a World Cup, everything is magnified; but I can’t keep up with (Carlo) Ancelotti and (Pep) Guardiola. The award makes me proud, but they are big words.”

“There are people who call me Scaloneta on the street, instead of Lionel. And it’s not good, but if people like it, I can’t say anything,” was the last response from the Santa Fe coach. The conference had an unusual ending: the journalists present in the room of the Ezeiza complex gave Scaloni an ovation, who left the room visibly moved.

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