The pivot that Betis wants to replace Guido likes Sevilla FC

From the Verdiblanco team they continue on the trail of a quality midfielder, who is also on Monchi’s agenda

The Real Betis an objective has been set in the next market and it is none other than adding to a pivot in the event of the march of guido rodriguez. And it is that the Argentine midfielder is in the plans of several squads in the Premier League, so the continuity of him in the Benito Villamarin.

Let us remember that since his arrival at the painting of the Thirteen Bars, the albiceleste midfielder has become a key piece for Manuel Pellegrini. He is one of the best men the Chilean coach has. and on whom part of the initial game is based from the midfield. This performance has not gone unnoticed.

Betis pivot
Betis looking for Guido’s replacement

From Real Betis they want to incorporate a new pivot, which is also wanted by Sevilla

In this way it is that before the eventual departure of Guido Rodríguez, Real Betis wants to incorporate a new pivot. That is where Antonio Cordón has met top-level players, but the one he liked the most is also the object of desire by Monchi. He is also one of the highlights of a World Cup team in Qatar.

In that order of ideas, the one targeted by the Verdiblancos is none other than Edson Álvarez. This Mexican soccer player who plays for Ajax Amsterdam, has had an outstanding season and that is why several teams from LaLiga Santander are following his track. He would be the ideal substitute for the Argentinian midfielder.

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Edson Álvarez is the one targeted by the Verdiblancos

Although he was not taken into account by Tata Martino for the game against Argentina, Álvarez has a lot of quality, which was a surprise. He would be the target of Real Betis for the pivot position in the event that Guido sets course for the Premier League. Of course, they will have to compete with Sevilla FC.

Those of Sánchez Pizjuán also want to add this Mexican, since the idea is to replace Fernando. The Brazilian midfielder is in full recovery, so the best thing will be to add a quality piece in that area. We will have to wait then for what can happen with this movement.

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