They would pay an extra 3,500 pesos to enumerators for extension of the Census

The extension of the registration process in some provinces of the national territory would have an impact on the budget of the Tenth National Population and Housing Census.

This was reported yesterday by Víctor Romero, director of the Census of the National Statistics Office (ONE), when answering questions and concerns to the readers oflistindiario.comin your digital meeting.

Romero stated that prolonging this census process until next Wednesday, November 30 would imply an increase in established planning. However, he did not offer details of the global amount to which it would amount, explaining that some areas have already been covered, so it would not be necessary for certain collaborators to extend their work further.

However, he announced that the census takers would be added close to RD$3,500, but that will depend on the extra days that you worked outside of what was established in your contract.

It should be said that among the lagging provinces isEl Seibo, La Altagracia, Puerto Plata, Santiago, San Cristóbal and Santo Domingo.

“Additional days to the contract will have an impact on the per diem and the fees of the enumerators and supervisors”Romero said.

According to Víctor Romero, the quality of information that has been collected so far from the population has been good.

He also stated that 25 provinces 95% of that population have been registered. And in the rest approximately 60%.

Regarding these demarcations, he assured that only a few municipalities remain to be registered, since there are areas that have been registered.

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It should be noted that, initially, the ONE reported that the enumerators will receive an amount of RD$17,000 and the supervisors RD$25,000as fees, to which will be added a daily per diem of RD$400 per day.

The payment will be obtained through an account in the Banco de Reservas, a fund that can be withdrawn as transfers in branches or bank sub-agents, with a code.

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