Juve have a ‘plan B’ for Allegri

Massimiliano Allegri’s future as Juventus manager seems to be coming to an end. Or at least, it will come, until the World Cup break. The start of ‘La Vecchia Signora’ is very far from expectations and the credit of the Italian coach seems to have reached the limit. According to the Italian journalist, Tancredi Palmeri, “Max Allegri has lost the protection” he enjoyed at Juventus after years of success.

With two wins in the first seven Serie A games, Juventus, is seven points behind the leader, Napolés. But the situation is even more delicate in the Champions League group stage, where the Italians, add their two matches by defeats , and the ticket for the round of 16 is more expensive than ever. Thus, the patience of the board on the 55-year-old coach has run out and names have begun to appear on the table as future replacements.

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According to Palmeri, the highest Italian leaders “They have set a deadline of two months: until the World Cup break” to check if Allegri is able to reverse the situation, but the names of Antonio Conte and Zinedine Zidane are already in the shadow of the Livorno coach.

With Conte at Tottenham and Zidane waiting to find out if he will take charge of the French team after the World Cup, the third name that the youth secretary is considering is that of Paolo Montero. The former Uruguayan soccer player currently directs Juventus U-19 and could act as a bridging solution until the end of the season, until assessing whether the return of Conte or the arrival of Zidane is viable. Be that as it may, Allegri’s adventure at Juventus could have its days numbered.

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