The original iPhone is sold at auction for an impressive price

We have to go back to January 9, 2007. There was the product that completely changed the mobile industry. We are talking about the original iPhone, presented by Steve Jobs at the time, and which would become an ironic product.

“An iPod, a telephone and an internet transmitter”, this is how Steve Jobs referred to this product that promised to make history, and it did. More than 15 years later, it is still a hit at auction.

First-gen iPhone sold at auction for $35,000

Last week, a completely sealed first-generation iPhone was sold at auction. and the price of $35,414 (35,457 euros) to which it was sold, leaves no one indifferent in the sector.

The first generation iPhone sold at auction for $35,000. Credit: RR Auction

To give you an idea, this same model went on sale in 2007 for $599. It is the A1203 model, with 8 GB of internal storage. The kit box has the product highlighted, with 12 app icons available on the smartphone.

First generation iPod sold for $25,000 at the same auctions

It is good to point out that this was not the only Apple product that sold in significant numbers at these auctions. A sealed first-generation iPod also sold for an impressive $25,000.

First generation iPod sold for $25,000 at the same auctions
The first-generation iPod sold for $25,000 at the same auctions. Credit: RR Auction

As for the first iPhone, its importance to the industry is undeniable. This was the device that popularized touch screens, which we are used to, and that all brands finally implemented.

Do you see yourself in 2022 with a smartphone without a touch screen? Tell us in the comments.

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