the power of the dog

The dog in this film is not a docile pet that comes out on stage, wagging its tail, two or three times at most. He is, so to speak, a hard, macho, foul-mouthed, long-tongued man with traces of little education despite not belonging to the side of the unprotected of fortune. And with an unbearable ego.

Around him he builds his symbology from a rereading of his personality.

With him in hand, Campion uses the most effective way to confront those around him: attacking them, correcting them, transforming them and, ultimately, returning them to flesh and blood humans thanks to the catharsis of a script that serves as a cinematic strategy. Campion is an artist who not only writes with depth and elegance, but knows the change of times within men who go out into the world with conflicting references.

The main conflict in this work can be resolved in an original way: in the saddle of a horse, and the safety of the course to be chosen by those who use them. She shows craft and bravery. This is a film that smells of life. Its validity arrives and passes through the foam of the days.

He chose the toughest of genres and an imaginary place as subtle combat weapons. It is a film with epic gears, similar to those classic stories of princes who left tinsel on the road to redemption in the hands of a wise, powerful, but vulgar squire who was not afraid to throw his love for rose bushes in his face.

Campion is not afraid to throw the sentimental stubble of these men in the trash in the face of the stream of consciousness. On the contrary, he turns to impressive photography to recreate, along with exuberant panoramas, the moral force that compels his characters to resist being as they should or to transform themselves through well-orchestrated streams of consciousness.

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Data sheet

Country: New Zealand. Year: 2021. Duration: 128 minutes. Direction and script: Jane Campion (on the novel by Thomas Savage). Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Jesse Plemons, Kirsten Dunst, Kodi Smit McPhee, Thomasin McKenzie, Frances Conroy, Keith Carradine. Synopsis: Two brothers run a business selling cattle. One of them marries a widow who is overprotective of her teenage son. The other will try to break the maternal scheme.


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