Entrepreneurs Fair presents the Pepín Corripio Award to 7 young people

The Entrepreneurs Fair 2021 closed its eighth edition with a flourish yesterday in an entertaining and inspiring event where the seven winners of the 42 tireless Dominicans who presented their brands and projects were announced.

The first place was obtained by Nero’s, winning RD $ 500,000 in cash to invest in its project that is characterized by the preparation of Caribbean and Latin American food frozen and distributed in supermarkets. While the second position was won by Todo fresco, a company that works in the production and marketing of fresh fruits, vegetables and food. He was awarded a RD $ 300,000 cash prize.

Other winners was Cacaomae, a company dedicated to the production of organic cocoa. This also won the third place and a remuneration of RD $ 300,000.

In addition, the effort and dedication of the Pratsico, Helados Cocotai, Ruta del Casabe Doña Mechy and Milz Chocolat ventures were recognized with a special mention.

The award ceremony was led by Manuel Corripio on behalf of José Luis -Pepín- Corripio and the Minister of Tourism, David Collado, who presented the awards to each of the winning entrepreneurs.

Everybody receive counseling sessions from a hour for a year by prominent businessman José Luis Corripio (Pepín); Manuel Corripio; Ligia Bonetti, from the SID Group; United Capital Stock Exchange, Banco Popular Dominicano and Jacqueline Mora in economic matters.

The businessman Manuel Corripio, from the Corripio Group, urged the participants to “focus on what they have to undertake and not on what they lack.”

“Entrepreneurs focus on two things: lack of capital and sleep. The dream is what remains. Focus on what you have; they have dreams and they have energy. Capital comes and goes. It is changeable. But, the dream remains through the coming and going of capital. When you have more capital than dreams, get ready, because it means that you sold your dream for a few pesos, “said Corripio.

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Since 2013

David Collado said that the program started 8 years ago to support young talent

What they expect

Collado assures that the desire is for each young person to achieve their dream and have the appropriate preparation.

The goal

Evaluate the exportable capacity, innovation and the quality of the product.


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