Trump announced a major plan against Facebook and Twitter

Washington: Former US President Donald Trump has decided to hit Facebook and Twitter.

According to the details, Trump has announced the creation of a social media platform called ‘Truth’ to beat Twitter and Facebook.

Before the US election, Twitter deleted Trump’s account in January for making provocative tweets, after which the former US president has formed a front against social media websites.

The Trump Media and Technology Group says its social network will fight Silicon Valley’s big tech companies, accusing them of using unilateral force to silence dissenting voices in the United States.

Trump goes to court to restore Twitter account, petition mentions Taliban

“We live in a world where the Taliban are present on Twitter, but the people’s favorite American president has been silenced,” Trump said.

The social network will be launched in beta next month and will be fully launched in the first quarter of 2022.

It is to be noted that Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube had temporarily shut down Trump’s accounts after the incident that took place outside Capitol Hill on January 6, after which it was announced that they would be closed permanently.

On October 2, Trump filed a lawsuit in the Florida District Court seeking restoration of his Twitter account.


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