Pogba, transfer at zero cost?

Paul Pogba (28 years old) is once again in the spotlight of Real Madrid. Ends contract with him Manchester United In June 2022 and in the white sports direction they contemplate taking advantage of the opportunity to incorporate a player they have longed for for five years. The club remains firm in its policy of going to the free agent market and not undertaking large operations as long as it is strictly necessary (as happened with Mbappé, although finally PSG did not accept the offer of 180 million) so as not to mortgage the economic future . However, although Pogba would not have to pay a transfer, his arrival would mean a significant outlay.

The first thing the club should face would be your salary. The player born in Lagny-sur-Marne is one of the highest paid in the world: charges 15 million euros per year net. It is more than what any white player charges, whose cap is in Bale and Hazard (15). However, the salary would go several million higher considering that Manchester has already offered him a renewal in which his fees would significantly increase. As British media point out, with his new contract he would approach 22 million per year.

In addition to salary, The other big expense that Madrid should make would be in bonuses to the player, his family and his agent, Mino Raiola, famous for getting important slices with the transfers of the players he represents. In 2019, he brought Haaland from Salzburg to Borussia Dortmund, in a deal that closed at € 20 million. La Gazzetta dello Sport He reported months later that the agent had taken a 15 million bonus, and had managed to get the forward’s father to take another 10.

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Without going any further, this was one of the obstacles that Madrid had to sign Pogba in 2016, the year in which he left for Manchester United. Madrid was not willing to pay 100 million for the transfer and, in addition, the premium requested by the Italian agent. Finally, as Football Leaks revealed shortly after, Raiola pocketed 38 million euros for that operation: 19 as a premium plus another 19 over the six seasons that the Frenchman had signed. Since then, the relationship between the manager and the white team has not been good, but it has been redirected in recent months due to the existence of common interests.

To all this should be added the expenses for lawyers, consultants and others involved in the operation, which would increase even more if the price of the operation fits. This is not to mention that the entry of other clubs could make the operation more expensive. In that sense, Madrid is clear that they will not be able to compete based on a checkbook and will only enter the game if the player shows a real interest in wearing white beyond money. Undoubtedly, it would be a millionaire incorporation but one that falls within Madrid’s sports plans and that, according to the first estimates, would not exceed the economic margins. A movement to sign what is still one of the most important stars in world football.

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