Germany: centenarian accused of Nazi crimes before judges

The trial of the oldest accused of Nazi crimes began on Thursday, October 7e, in Germany. Josef Schütz, 100 years old, is being prosecuted in particular for complicity in the murders of more than 3,500 prisoners.

At almost 101 years old, he is the oldest accused of Nazi crimes. Josef Schütz did not want to show his face in front of the photographers, during the first hearing in a court near Berlin (Germany), Thursday 8 October. He is on trial for complicity in the murder of more than 3,500 prisoners. Josef Schütz declared himself “innocent“. “He deliberately does not remember. For the survivors of the camps and the relatives of the murdered, this means once again a rejection, a denigration”, says Christoph Heubner, Executive Vice President of the Auschwitz International Committee.

It was in a camp in northern Berlin that Josef Schütz, a former corporal of the Waffen SS, was accused of the worst atrocities between 1942 and 1945. German justice was trying to make up for lost time. Nine former Nazi camp guards are still the target of preliminary investigations, without knowing whether they will live long enough to stand trial.

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