The art of saving is not for everyone. There are people who search the internet for new clothes all day, but there are also people who fix dusty shoes with tape so they can wear them for another week. There must be a difference. But for those who find the money flying out of their pockets so quickly and are really upset about it, here are five practical money-saving tips.
Saving tip 1: Don’t go shopping on an empty stomach
Going to the supermarket with a growling stomach for a quick purchase is not a smart plan. So, have a good appetite National Household Information Institute (Nibud) is much more inclined to put expensive things in the shopping basket. A box of chocolates, a bag of top brand chips, whatever. Therefore, make yourself a good base before entering the store. You will soon be making much more conscious decisions.
Saving tip 2: Take a tour of the market
There are markets almost everywhere. Surely you will soon come across a cluster of stalls in the squares of the city. If you’re planning on doing some basic shopping, take a look around there too. Products are often much cheaper on the market. You can save a lot of money and support a family directly at the same time.
Saving tip 3: Leave the product in the shopping cart
Everyone has impulse purchases from time to time. It’s not a bad thing at all, but try to limit it. To prevent such purchases, add them to your shopping cart. Then wait one day before returning to your shopping cart. Do you still want the product? Then you can buy it. Don’t want the product anymore? Then remove it from your shopping cart.
Saving tip 4: Pay attention to the tire pressure of your car
Some cars warn when tire pressure is too low. With others, you just have to keep up regularly. Oftentimes people are pretty careless here. However, it can be very important to keep tire pressure at the right level. Correct tire pressure can reduce your fuel consumption by up to 3%. And that adds up over time.
Saving tip 5: Calculate how long you have to work for it
You often don’t think about it, but money also costs time. All of your expenses correspond to a certain amount of work done. That’s why it can make sense to think about how long you have to work to pay for a certain product. Do you think that the product is not worth the calculated time? Then don’t buy it.