20 years of Koh-Lanta: tests, poles, fire, apnea … all the records of the adventure game

Will they be pulverized? On the occasion of the anniversary edition of Koh-Lanta, which will be broadcast from Tuesday, August 24, again on the most impressive records achieved in the context of the mythical adventure game.

Koh-Lanta celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. 20 years of adventures the hard way that pushed the candidates to excel and achieve feats that could, according to Denis Brogniart, sweep away the 20 participants of Koh-Lanta La Légende, a season that promises to be very “spectacular”.

“The events of this new edition are extraordinary and victory is sometimes played to the tenth of a second,” explains the host. We almost have to go through the images to find out who wins as the result is very tight! Men and women will break records, and they will even break. This is one of the highlights of this season, “he added.

For now, these are the logs * of the currently held program:

Clémence is the only adventurer who has won Koh-Lanta twice (2005 and 2018).

Claude: 17 victories

Teheiura: 15 victories

Jade: 8 wins

Jade has won the pole test twice (2007 and 2009).

Pascal has won the pole test twice (2016 and 2018).

Note that it was only from the second season that pole testing was established and that they have evolved over the years.

5:16 am: Amel season 2

4:30 am: Jade season 7

Francis (season 5) and François-David (season 6), in less than 2 minutes.

2008: Frédéric in 20 minutes

2016: Pascal in 33 minutes

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