108 migrants rescued in the Canal

The regional operational center for surveillance and rescue (Cross) Gris-Nez was contacted for the first time by a migrant boat “in difficulty off Sangatte” (Pas-de-Calais), the prefecture detailed in a statement.

On board, seven people were picked up by the French Navy’s public service patrol (PSP) Flamant and deposited in the port of Dunkirk where they were treated by the departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) and the border police, he added.

The Cross then chartered the patrol boat for a distressed boat with 29 castaways on board off Dunkirk. Once in the area, “the Flamingo indicates that a castaway is restless”, a “medical evacuation of the castaway by helicopter” is then decided. The other people were returned to the port of Dunkirk.

Subsequently, 37 castaways were rescued on a ship in distress off Calais and 35 off Dunkirk.

From the end of 2018, the illégales traversées de la Manche par des migrants cherchant à gagner le Royaume-Uni se multiplient malgré les mises en garde répétées des autorités qui soulignent le danger lié à la densité du traffic, aux forts courants et à la basse temperature Water.

In 2020, more than 9,500 crossings or crossing attempts of this type were registered, four times more than in 2019, according to an official report. Six people died there and three disappeared, after four deaths in 2019.

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