🔴Emmanuel Macron in Marseille: “The State will inject more than eight million euros to equip the police”

On the second day of his visit to Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), President Emmanuel Macron attended, this Thursday morning, the start of the school year in a primary school in the Marseille city. Then, at the end of the afternoon, he detailed his long-awaited emergency plan for France’s second city.

Attacking his speech on the security plan, the Head of State announced in particular that the State “will take its full part by injecting more than eight million euros to equip the police”. Emmanuel Macron then engaged in the social, health and educational emergency that Marseille is experiencing.

The culmination of a trip that began at 30:30 in a CM2 class at the Bouge school, in the 13th arrondissement of Marseille, on the day of the start of the school year. Emmanuel Macron was accompanied by the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer and the socialist mayor of the city Benoît Payan, who also made a speech before the president’s speech.

In the morning, and as announced, the Head of State took stock of the health protocol put in place for this second school year affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. But also on the various “extremely structuring reforms”, carried out, in particular, in priority education districts. Measures that will be multiplied “so that children can learn better”.

Emmanuel Macron then went to La Timone hospital before presenting, before going to the Pharo Palace, to present his plan “Marseille en grand” which was to include a series of measures and projects, “co- produced with communities ”, according to the Élysée, for an amount which should exceed one billion euros.

Emmanuel Macron was to announce in particular that the State will participate largely in the vast renovation plan, launched by the municipality, of more than 200 of the 472 schools in the city.

“measures” taken “in consultation with the inhabitants”

This Wednesday evening, around 8:30 p.m., Emmanuel Macron is due to have dinner with the head of the Italian government, Mario Draghi. The next day, he will devote the day of Friday to the environment, with a sea trip in the Calanques National Park and the opening of the World Congress of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which is being held in Marseille until September 11.

As soon as he arrived in Marseille on Wednesday, the resident of the Élysée took the time to listen to the inhabitants of the city of Bassens, before going to the police at the northern police station. On the spot, he promised “a security response” and “measures” taken “in consultation with the inhabitants”.

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Particularly expected on the ground, after a summer marked by a dozen bloody settling of scores, still against the backdrop of drug trafficking, Emmanuel Macron has promised a plan to respond to the social, educational, economic and security emergencies that the second city of France.

Even before the presentation of his project for the city of Marseille, 65% of French people said they were pessimistic about the chances of improving Marseille by the President of the Republic, in an exclusive survey by the CSA institute for CNEWS published Wednesday.

Accompanied by no less than seven ministers, the Head of State was welcomed Wednesday by the socialist mayor of the Marseille city, Benoît Payan, at the town hall decked out in French, European and Marseille colors (blue and white), but also to the sound of “Macron resignation” launched by some demonstrators. Then he went to the bedside of the inhabitants of the city of Bassens, in these northern districts of the city, plagued by violence and drug trafficking.

“School, training, employment, entrepreneurship”

There, he announced to the press that “measures” would be taken “in consultation with the inhabitants”. The Head of State then assured that the response would be “safe” but not only, adding that solutions could also be found through “school, training, employment, entrepreneurship” but also via a better policy of transport and access to housing.

Calling himself “stubborn” and “determined”, Emmanuel Macron distilled a few notes of hope on the spot and even said he was ready to “put more resources”. However, he tempered his speech, not wishing “here to make false promises”. “Many things that we are going to launch will not have results immediately, I am lucid”, he conceded, for results that he will not wait “for before the end of the mandate”. And to conclude: “we will do the maximum but I cannot tell you that we will succeed”.

As for the question launched by a journalist whether this visit foreshadowed an entry into the campaign for the upcoming presidential election, the one who has not yet announced whether he was a candidate for re-election immediately replied: “Not at all”. “This is not the subject. The subject is the results ”, he retorted, stressing that it was necessary to“ make up for lost time during the Covid ”.

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